Sunday, October 26th, 2008 |
Issue: 97 |
Editor: NYX2000 |
And Then There Were Ten |
Mikamon |
Shortly after their return, The Imperium (TI) was wiped of the statsistics by the Louisiana State Don dani13. With the wipe of The Imperium the amount of crews on the statistics has returned to the normal ten. Alongside the wipe, Dagolard, the founder of TI decided to disband the crew. A decision that met several positive replies from the players of Bootleggers.
The Buzz caught up with the players responsible for wiping The Imperium, the State Don of Louisiana, dani13. The State Don kindly answered some questions for the Buzz. I shot TI at RudeBox's orders, he said. I shot for Resistance and used around 130,000 bullets and killed 20 accounts. Within a short notice, the State Don had successfully wiped TI.
Alongside the wipe, the fouder of TI, Dagolard (Mandare), decided to officially disband the crew. As many of you are aware, I myself stood down as being the Boss of The Imperium myself and passed ownership onto Provert - this is, perhaps, something that I should not have done, he said in a Game Forum thread. He continued, I would like to now announce that The Imperium won't be making a return to Bootleggers again. I decided this because ultimately, the Crew did not feel the same being led by somebody else. He concluded, I wanted The Imperium to not slip into the league of unrespected Crews on Bootleggers.
With this, we haven't only witnessed the wipe of The Imperium but have more then likely also seen the last appearance of this crew on the statistics. With this wipe, the amount of crews is now back at the usual ten. Seeing the 11th crew is no longer number eleven but number ten, the staff no longer has to think about what to do about the problem.
As for the shootings. dani13 said, You can always expect more from Resistance .
It is that which we are left to do, wait until more action takes place once again.