Sunday, November 2nd, 2008
Issue: 98   Editor: Mikamon

The boys are back in town! DezialBrown

The screech of tyres, the clamour of car doors opening and slamming, the patter of shiny shoes.. hot whisky in my veins and I was ready for show-time!

"Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Dezial Brown is BACK!"

You could've heard a mouse relieve itself of a gassy lunch for the way every fat mouth in that place shut up shop. The creak of eyeballs swivelling to follow the brothers brown. And then the quiet sob of the stoolie that'd let us in on this little meet.

He was the first to go.

'Course, I didn't shoot anybody! I won't say who did, but when we left that place, the state of Louisiana was a stroke cleaner. Even that crooked pig Danbury. Let the sheriff puzzle over that one!

The quiet and the peace is over - the brothers brown are back!