Sunday, January 17th, 2010
Issue: 11   Editor: Mika

Attack in Full Flow Aldarion

Apart from another glimpse of game related controversy we did witness some actual gameplay going on. Earlier today, Static Flow, one of the thirty crews on this game, was completely wiped and was replaced by the crew Aeternum. As the boss of Static Flow had been involved in the feud about the Nevada Bullet Factory between Omertà and Strictly Business, earlier on, it seemed that this spree was somehow related to that as well. We got in touch with one of the shooters to get a little bit of information about the spree.

We had a little chat with Annallja, who together with Teekayoh was responsible for wiping Static Flow. The reason of the attack was all down to the boss of the wiped crew, “Zazamouk was responsible for a friend being shot.” The attackers told us he was killed as revenge for their fallen friend. Now, as mentioned earlier, it seemed this attack was somehow related to the feud between Strictly Business and Omertà, as Zazamouk had been involved in that as well.

It appeared this wipe was not related to any of the actions related to the crews mentioned above, as Annallja’s statement made clear when he said the spree was “Not at all related to anyone.” So, this wipe was not related to Omertà’s attack earlier this week and nor was it organized by that crew. Mind you, Omertà could have had a reason to do so, as the boss of Static Flow gave some assistance to Strictly Business by holding the Nevada Bullet Factory.

Back to Aeternum, where Annallja finally concluded he didn’t expect to survive for a very long time, “We expect to be shot. We're not really a stats kind of group. "Drop and be dropped" is what we expect.” Even though the crew most likely is a future target, it is yet to be seen when they can expect a counter-attack. Static Flow will most likely need some time to recover from their wounds and the crew they helped out, Strictly Business, was significantly damaged making it harder for them to assist other (friendly) crews. It might happen that Aeternum will last longer than they first estimated, or perhaps another related crew kicks in to assist Static Flow. If there’s one uncertainty in Bootleggers, it certainly is that you’ll never know when the next wave of attacks will start.