Sunday, February 28th, 2010
Issue: 17   Editor: Nyxxie

I less than three you. (Crew percentages at a glance.) Neverender

As Round 6 approaches the beginning of its fifth month more money is being thrown into the game pool. There is currently $6,639,242,740 in the game, $97,691,876 of that belonging to the crews. This is where it becomes interesting. It can be argued that the majority of that crew cash is from members holding casinos, which brings up the inevitable and controversial question; how much is too much for a crew percentage on casino profits?

The first problem with holding a casino and the crew taking their cut is if the holder takes a loss, the crew still profits. The crew percentage is based on each bet that loses. If the crew percentage is set to 3% and someone makes a $100 bet and loses, the crew takes $3 and the holder takes $97. Contrary to popular belief (although not 100% confirmed due to no Mods or Admins being online at the time of this article for immediate clarification) if they bet $100 and win the crew [I]does not[/I] take a cut and the holder loses the full $100. The general consensus feels that’s an unfair balance and even if you’re showing a profit in your management you can still be down a significant amount and the crew up a significant amount.

A lot of crew members believe that even the normal 3% crew take is too much when they have a high max and make a profit of 3mil and aren’t receiving all of it. In this journalist’s humble opinion that’s plain greed. If you are in a crew you should be willing to contribute money to help keep the crew alive. Most crews even offer a grace on taxes if you’ve held a casino because your taxes are being considered the crew percentage. This still is not enough for a lot of players; they want all of their money and feel completely justified in asking for reimbursement. Depending on the crew they may receive it however if you’re reading this don’t count on going to your crew bosses and asking for your money back.

With this small bit of controversy floating around I decided to take it straight to those involved; the 30 crews on the stats. 70% of the crew bosses stated that 3%-5% was completely fair and most agreed that if the crew was in dire straits the percentage could be upped but no higher than 10%. 7% stated they don’t set a crew percent; they let their members receive 100% of the profits. The remaining 23% of crew bosses declined to respond.

No crew will ever be able to make all of their members happy all of the time. It is a proven fact in this world that you can’t please everyone. Why would it be any different in an online mafia game? A wise man once said; some men you just can’t reach.

(Note: Thanks to Altrozero and lordwell for clarification on when the crew takes their percent. I always knew they were wannabe HDOs. )