Sunday, March 7th, 2010
Issue: 18   Editor: Mika

Organised Crime Percentages Drokken

I know there is a lot of controversy over Organised Crime percentages, and a lot of people (including myself) think that leaders are being way too greedy. So I’ve been a bit of a nerd and mathematically worked out a basis of what the pay out percentages should be, according to the money that has been spent.

Firstly, the main issue is the amount of money the Driver has to put in. If he already has a car, then all he has to pay is 10k. If not, then he can pay up to 17k just for the car, so that’s 27k in total. That’s a hell of a lot more than the Equipment Expert (21k) or even the Leader (25k).

So, if the Driver has already got a car, the money spent and the percentages given would look a bit like this:

Leader 25000 29%
W/Expert 30000 35%
Eq/Expert 21000 24%
Driver 10000 12%

However, if we presume the Driver has to buy a car, at top price, then it may look a bit like this:

Leader 25000 24%
W/Expert 30000 29%
Eq/Expert 21000 21%
Driver 27000 26%

There is a huge difference between the two, and obviously not just in the percentage the driver receives, but the percentages that the rest of the members receive. So this leads us to the issue of what would be a fair presumption of how much the driver must spend? I propose that we just stick to the middle ground, as there is no way to truly know how many Drivers buy cars for the OC, or how many already have them.

So the Percentages would look a bit like this:

Leader 25000 26%
W/Expert 30000 32%
Eq/Expert 21000 22%
Driver 18500 20%

I think this a good base estimate as to what percentages we should be offered. However, we have not taken into account any other factors yet.

Should rank alter the percentages offered? There are of lot players who accuse others of being ‘Rankist’, and that all players should be given the same percentage regardless of rank. The main issue I have is that it is commonly accepted that the difference of ranks in an OC affects the experienced gained from said OC. In addition to this, it is a fact, that the lower the rank, the less chance there is of the OC succeeding. I propose a simple system that takes these into account. For every two ranks below the Leader, give 1% less, and for every two ranks higher than the Leader, give 1% more.

I have presumed that the items being used for the OC are the best ones available, but what if, for example, a Beauford is going to be used? This will definitely decrease the chances of the Organised Crime succeeding. Should a lower percentage be given to the Driver in this example, and where should the remaining percentage go? In my opinion, I would deem a 1-5% decrease to be fair. However, as a Leader I would allocate that between all other members in the OC, not just myself. So following the example, I would take 4% off the driver for using a Beauford, and give 1% to the Weapon Expert and Equipment Expert, and then 2% to myself as the Leader. My reasoning behind this is that not only am I taking a greater risk, but so are the other members of the OC, so it is only fair for that extra percentage to be shared out with them also.

What if other Positions are being used, such as an Explosive Expert, or a two car OC? Well obviously you can use my system as a base to build off, but if you want to be fair, then you may have to actually work it out for yourself!

And I think that’s what it all comes down to, being fair. In my opinion, this is a very reasonable way to work out what percentages are given. You may think differently, but at least it is a base to work from. If high-ranking members are important to you, then perhaps take 1% off for each lower rank. Perhaps you don’t mind if the driver uses a Beauford and you still give him the full Percentage.

My main reason in writing this isn’t to tell leaders what percentages to offer. My main reason is that I want members looking for an OC to know whether the percentages they are being offered are fair or not. I know a lot of people moan about it, and yet people are still offering lower percentages, so therefore surely somebody must be accepting them? My advise; if you are not happy with the percentage offered, don’t accept it! Take your time and look around, and most importantly communicate with leaders, don’t just say no or ignore offers, tell them that you’d accept it for a higher percentage.

Thank you for reading. If you wish to share any questions or views the please feel free to BM me.
