Sunday, July 4th, 2010
Issue: 35   Editor: HowlingMadMika

The Weekly Flash HowlingMadMika

Welcome to the Weekly Flash. This article contains the highlights of the previous week as well as brief news that may have been covered more extensively in one of the other articles.

This week, DevilsAdvocate was promoted to State Don of Colorado and TheDivel became the new Illinois State Don. However, after Oops began with killing the Nation Don, Midway, and several other State Dons, all State Dons soon joined all others as the entire States page was cleared and is now entirely empty, waiting for nine new State Dons and one new Nation Don to claim a position so the bloodshed my start once again.

Apart from Oops, who successfully wiped The Gambino Family, the late Nation Don Midway attacked and wiped Eternal Sensation. Furthermore, Virtual Reality and Death Road Ministry were also wiped. These two were attacked by The Departed, which was wiped hours later.

After about two weeks of absence, the IRC bot has finally returned to the IRC. More staff news, though this time concerning real, living staff: BuzzLew is the newest addition to the yellow squad as he takes the position of Help Desk Operator.

The Elite Guard and HDO staff have begun updating the FAQ. At the moment, all the tooltips have been updated.