Sunday, August 8th, 2010
Issue: 40   Editor: HowlingMadMika

The Weekly Flash HowlingMadMika

Welcome to the Weekly Flash. This article contains the highlights of the previous week as well as brief news that may have been covered more extensively in one of the other articles.

The FAQ Q&As have been updated this week. Among the updates were the Buzz Contest winners, as well as a lot of other new questions and their answers. Feel free to review them, and please create a Help Desk tickets if you find a mistake or if you have a suggestion of your own.

On to the game news of the week:

Villeins is the new Nation Don, taking the place of KingRamon after he was shot. Villeins was shoot too, however, and the deaths of both KingRamon and Villeins marked the start the appearance and death of a lot of Nation Dons.

Mikhael, who killed Villeins and The Greek Myths was promoted to Nation Don. He too, was shot later in the week. Zetec replaced him. However, this Nation Don was shot as well. The rank of ranks is now held by bigpapa.

Apart from the Nation Dons, the positions left vacant as State Dons were promoted have also been filled. Pothead was promoted to Illinois State Don; Daze became the New York State Don, only to be killed a little later; mercie took the position of Michigan State Don; and Kiriaco has been promoted to California State Don.

Fredeligkriger, member of Silent Assassins, shot Blastoise for the New York bullet factory and claimed that his crew now claimed the property as its own. He was quickly shot, however, and the bullet factory is no longer in the hands of Silent Assassins.

There were even more killings this week. As already said, The Greek Myths were wiped. In addition, its replacement, Totentanz, was also wiped. These two crews were not alone, however. Spellbound and The Silent Assassins were also wiped. Camorra was insided as well this week, and not too long before the release, Forbidden Angels were wiped as well in a celebration of Event Horizon's five year anniversary.

A crew that appeared was Eternal Labyrinth: it bought the crew spot off Death Divine. Another joyful event this week: the record win on Keno was broken when ThreeHundred won $710,000,000 off Joey_Cappio.

Do you have suggestions you wish to see included in The Weekly Flash? Feel free to send a BootMail to a Buzz Writer! Make sure to inform the writer that you are reporting a news event for The Weekly Flash.