Sunday, August 22nd, 2010
Issue: 42   Editor: SeanFailKnox

Bootleggers Buzz Kareoke PoisonBullet

More than two weeks have passed since The Syndicate disbanded and quit Bootleggers, what are they doing with themselves I hear you ask. Than answer is simple; karaoke.

What does one do with their time when they don’t waste away hours of their time on Bootleggers? A crew as active and powerful as The Syndicate, who have achieved a lot of things in their time, claiming they have ‘done everything there is to do on this game’ retired from the game 2 weeks ago, and members have seemingly gone cold turkey from the crew's antics. Picture the scene, shivering in the corner huddled up trying to fight off the voices inside their heads, just some of the symptoms of Bootleggers withdrawal, and then someone starts a tune, they start to sing.
Luckily the Buzz was there to hear the whole thing, sung to the tune of 'Missing You' by The Saturdays. Enjoy.

I miss shooting you By The Syndicate

I miss shooting you
I miss shooting you

Where's the fun when you get on the stats
It won’t be fun without all of our spats
Where's the sprees that you couldn't ignore
No-one kills like us anymore
Where's the thrill at the end of our fights
Without them you won’t need the last rights

I just miss all the kills that we made
When we still have the passion to play

I miss shooting you, sometimes
I miss killing you 'til you die
I miss watching you as you try
Try not to end up in tears
Trying to get back together
I just want you to be
To be stuck in a safe house forever
Or to just freak out and leave…!

Sometimes I'm just missing
Shooting you
I miss shooting you

There’s a white cloud and a mirror
Oh is it smoke? They should have been clearer
An awful name, try rhyming to mirror!
They’re just longing to tear you apart
They’ll get high now we’ve left and you’re weak
They’ll put you down ’til I crawl on your knee’s

I just miss all the kills that we made
When we still have the passion to play

I miss shooting you, sometimes
I miss killing you 'til you die
I miss watching you as you try
Try not to end up in tears
Trying to get back together
I just want you to be
To be stuck in a safe house forever
Or to just freak out and leave…!

Sometimes I’m just missing, shooting you
I miss shooting you.