Sunday, September 5th, 2010
Issue: 44   Editor: HowlingMadMika

MOOD, a new sound? MarlonB

Can you hear it? A new sound spreading throughout the Bootleggers community. MOOD, the new radio station for Bootleggers. Is this a good thing? Who knows! The Buzz got in contact with MOOD creator, bodhisattva (Mags), to find out more about this could be sensation.

We got in touch with bodhisattva to find out about his radio station, MOOD. He was more than happy to talk to us about it. We started our interview by asking what exactly MOOD is. Bodhisattva told us, "Reincarnation of a radio station for bootleggers owned and controlled by a player." He went on to explain, "With the Bootleggers Bootcast removed due to various reasons a potential void was opened for someone to bring back a radio station for the players." A good a reason as any to recreate what the community of Bootleggers often say they miss. We then went on to ask bodhisattva what does he plan to do with MOOD. His answer was, "Attempt to recreate some kind of interest within the playing community. Boot lacks the player community we once had. By recreating an old feature I hope to give the players back something that is more "Original" than what we have now."

The interest in MOOD within the Bootleggers community is very small at the moment, which some consider a shame, seeing as the radio station could be a really good way to try pump some life back into the game. However, bodhisattva told us, "interest is slowly growing and i personally wont ask for more growth than what is being exhibited." So the owner and creator of MOOD has hope in this feature and is content with the attention it receives right now, although more attention would never go amiss. After having read his reply, we went on to ask bodhisattva how many people are DJ on MOOD. He told us, "Currently have Myself, Mills, CRumpy, IronGate active with Poison, Babytek, Erik and Messay getting themselves set to return and a couple of others who have recently contacted me with interest in joining the team." Also to all you wanna be DJs, bodhisattva said, "contact me about wanting to join and its much more relaxed than bootcast was. I dont have rules and regulations. Its bootleggers. I see next to no restraints concerning anyone else's behaviour on boot and the whole shock effect has always worked well for me. Just dont join thinking u can get on air and say fuck 25 times straight every 5 minutes....because that will get me telling you to take a long walk lol." So there is no reason not to join.

To finish up our interview we asked what the future holds for MOOD, "Other than to keep soldiering on and see where and how it takes us.....nothing. Time will tell if Mood succeeds or not. Hopefully time is a Sultry Seductress not the Fickle Mole she can be." bodhisattva said. We at the Buzz think that MOOD could be big it just needs the support it really does deserve. With about ten DJs lined up to be playing we can see that there will be a lot of shows on throughout the day, and it would be a very big shame to let this service go to waste.