Sunday, October 17th, 2010
Issue: 51   Editor: oSean

COLUMN: What Makes a Crew The Best? TheLachy

There was recently a thread in the Game Forum simply asking which crew you thought was the 'best'. No one really knows which crew is the best, so we set out looking for the answers to the age old myth.

We created a discussion thread and within minutes we received some great answers. The thread consisted of questions that the players thought on what makes a crew. There were multiple answers saying leadership, although many disagreed.

PerfektAim gave The Buzz a great definition of what he thinks a crew is, we agree with every word he says "A crew is a strategic organisation of people who are willing to coorperate with, die for and help eachother. A crew should expect attempts on them anytime, anyplace and be able to retaliate such attempts. But mostly, its a family, where friends come together to enjoy whatsoever."

Ivar produced a great answer, We have broken it down for you and it said, "First of all you need a structure that is horizontal and not vertical. This will create more loyalty and crew members will be ready to sacrifice more in order to help the crew." In saying this, he is 150% correct, without a structure your crew will fall apart quite easily, due to the fact that there is no one to take care of the members and/or enemies. Ivar further stated "Crews on the stats page can expect to be killed any day, be prepared and don't cry so damn much when you get killed." And again, Ivar is correct, if you quit everyone you are shot and killed then why are you running a crew? You need to show that your crew will return and retaliate, which in turn will earn you respect.

Who can forget the members of a crew? Don't they make the crew? Or is it simply the structure and leadership roles that mainly count? Klere begs to differ "Crews can be pretty strong without any structure too. Aslong as you just trust your fellow crewmembers." Which that basically sums it all up. You can be a successful crew without structure but the main key is to trust your members, without that you are indeed going to fail.

Thanks for reading,
