Sunday, February 13th, 2011
Issue: 68   Editor: Aldarionosaurus

Happy Birthday Aldarion! BuzzPoison

For those of you who don’t know, Aldarion celebrated his birthday this Thursday and we thought we’d gather a few thoughts from staff and players about him as a player, a friend and a Buzz Editor.

Just to explain, as I’m sure Aldarion would kill me if I didn’t... I did have to threaten to quit the Buzz if this article wasn’t published in order to get this into this week’s edition! We’re now 11 issues into Aldarion’s tenure at the Buzz and when his birthday came up we thought (very last minute) that we’d gather some people’s opinions on him as a player, a crew mate, and a Buzz editor... and here they are. Please feel

Aldarion is a hero to me. I remember thinking to myself as a small boy, at just the age of 17, when I grow up I want to be like Aldarion. He's proven himself to be a skillful Buzz Editor, maintaining the level of high quality we've come to expect from the Buzz, and he's even managed to write two full issues all by his lonesome despite the lack of news, impressive work.
~RandomActsOfLunacy aka Sky

I would like to thank Aldarion for being such a great and helpful editor. If it wasn’t for him, the Buzz would not look the way it looks now. And although his accounts get killed a lot, he always manages to climb up very quickly, and in a decent and honest way.That all being said, I think Aldarion deserves a well-meant Happy Birthday!

Although I haven't been on much so I can't really say much. It looks like he's doing a good job with it considering he was just kind of thrown into that position fairly quickly (Mika was trained by Nyx, Sean was trained by Mika etc). But it looks like he is doing a good job and trying his best to keep the players entertained in an otherwise mundane game.

Aldarion has made a good impression and taken over the Buzz smoothly since making Editor only
a short time after returning to the team, and I look forward to many issues working alongside him. Happy Birthday!


Aldarion! What can I say? You da man pops into my head first then next comes you my man! (You just don't know it yet). But in all seriousness you have done excellent work in providing the game with a weekly virtual newspaper. Even when no one else wrote in you still got the issue out. So in your time as editor you have done nothing less than a fantastic job and for that I would say thanks and Happy Birthday.

Well, I’ve been in many, many crews with him, with his good dose of humour it's always nice to be with him in a crew. Also he plays the game serious which is positive for the crew. Also he is a good editor of the buzz, he puts much energy in to it.

I’ve been writing for the Buzz while 4 different editors have been pressing ‘publish’, and due to his lack of editorial training Aldarion should be the worst, by rights. But he isn’t, not that I’ve made it easy for him; leaving him in the lurch without me writing and sometimes him even having to publish alone. He’s coped with some boring weeks, lack of writers work and created some great issues! It’s been a pleasure to have worked for and with you and I hope to continue doing so, Happy Birthday!

The Buzz has always had Editors who have given it their 100% to make sure every release comes out in time and gives a certain grade of quality, Aldarion is not the exception. Ever since he took charge of the Buzz, we have seen him very dedicated to it and trying his best to keep it alive. There is no hiding that BL is not at its greatest hour, but Alda has been there doing whatever he can. By this, I mean that he has published issues where it was mostly him and when almost nothing new was going in the game. He had to take charge in a complicated time and has done the best of it. As a player, this is no exception. He is one to always stumble upon the forums and be respectful to other players. There is no doubt in my mind that he is an asset to this game, as there are so many others out there. Happy Birthday Alda!
~CaptainVpX aka CustomStyle

The Best, Man you are the best Editor coz your articles not boring like the old Editors articles. I wish to you the best bro and good luck in real life and here in BL. Happy Birthday bro!

Please feel free to leave your own happy birthday messages to Aldarion in this article topic, thanks all and happy birthday mate!