Sunday, July 17th, 2011
Issue: 76   Editor: Aldarion

Just a warning Fantastical

Its going to look just like any other day. It will feel as if nothing has changed. You will be sitting, standing, maybe even laying there, staring into the screen of wonders which connects you to the most outer parts of the world you would never experience in your normal life. Whether your from the west or maybe even the east it will not matter. You can sit there and deny all you want, try to convince yourself that maybe it wont happen. Maybe this is all a joke and it's fake. The man or woman or she-male who wrote this isn't telling the truth. It's almost too hard to keep thinking of whats happening after that last sentence but you still can't get it out of your head. Your friends (if you have any) start to notice a change in you, they think its nothing more than a depression of some sort, maybe even a "mood]". But you know what it is. Its that time to accept the fact you have caught the worst type of unmentionable unthinkable spine chilling make the hair on the back of your neck stand up disease. Lackaboot. Not to be confused with weak diseases such as diabetes and cancer, Lackaboot is something that there seems to be no cure for. Of course there is "testing" being done to see if we can fix it - but lets face it, that shit is expensive. With that being said and me being the foremost pioneer in finding the cure for Lackaboot I'm reaching out to you, the effected and sick people of bootleggers! The Lackaboot Cure Foundation or LCF is accepting donations of all kinds. But prefer cash. Here are the symptoms to know if you really do have this terrible mind bending disease:

the following symptoms are associated with having Lackaboot and there may be more, these are just the reported
- Logging into bootleggers every day but not doing anything other than viewing the forums.
- Find yourself flaming others for asking why the game has gone downhill.
- You don't care when your killed.
- You complain when your killed.
- Your sad BSF has not put any noticeable effort into the game, even though he made a topic saying he still cared and we could expect new features soon - months ago.

Please report other symptoms you think you might be suffering from if you have any of the other symptoms associated with Lackaboot.

Your probably wondering, why send my money to this guy, girl, or thing? How do I know it is going to find a cure for Lackaboot? Let me tell you, those are all good questions and I'm here to answer.

So send all donations to Fantastical(clicky) and you will be provided a list of all the work that will come from your donation. I do empathize with all of you effected as I'm not just the leader of the LCF - I've been self diasnosed with Lackaboot myself. It's definitely a hard life and it hurts deep inside, but together we can find a cure and save this place we call.... well Bootleggers. Farewell and I hope to hear from you all soon.