Sunday, July 4th, 2010
Issue: 35   Editor: HowlingMadMika

The Departed Strike and Depart HowlingMadMika

When The Departed lost two State Dons and one Legendary Don due to shootings of The Triad and The Family, the crew decided to retaliate and to strike those allied with the actual aggressors: Virtual Reality and Death Road Ministry. Isaac Newton already said it, every action results in a reaction. This was proven when The Departed was wiped, following the earlier attacks from the crew itself.

“VR are good friends with The Triad and hold bullet factories and what-not for them. Seeing as TT are underground, the only way to bother them is to shoot their friends,” RedHerrrings, crewboss of The Departed, told the Buzz. Upon the command of the crew, Solace, who had already been stocking bullets for a while, shot a total of 189,000 bullets, of which the crew had provided 150,000. “As it seems we got shot today, I took the revenge,” he said. Solace his flying pieces of metal caused the downfall of both Virtual Reality and Death Road Ministry, believed to be allied to either The Triad or The Family.

Virtual Reality and Death Road Ministry are yet to make a return to the statistics. Aerius (Aerticuno), the Virtual Reality crewboss, seemed certain that they would succeed, however. “We will rank up and see and just start again. Speak to you next week, haha,” he said.

RedHerrrings and The Departed were expecting retaliation after their wipe, and right they were. For in three sprees, the crew was taken down, with Narusegawa shooting 275,800 and 1,700 points to kill the remaining ten The Departed members, causing the crew to drop. In addition, she also made some other, personal, kills. “I shot because I had the bullets/points to do so. No, I'm not allied with any crews,” she said. Her reason was not retaliation for the attacks of the recent past, but the power The Departed had as a crew. “No doubt they're still powerful, but atleast they ain't high ranked anymore,” Narusegawa remarked.

Prior to Narusegawa's shooting, four other attacks had been survived, including the attack on the State Dons and the Legendary Don. Following that initial attack, RJK, AussieDean and SliughtlyAskew of Silent Requiem made an attempt, classified by Redherrrings as “the only decent attempt.” Furthermore, Skibibbski, Peritas, BiteMyAss and Outcome also made an attempt to attack the crew. However, three of the shooters died during the spree, and The Departed survived with ten members of Boss or above remaining, only to be finally finished by Narusegawa.

With Narusegawa not being involved in the actual fight between The Triad, The Family and The Departed, there are still three main players in this game of death. Like Aerius said, “Well, they shot and we shot, its now their turn again.”